Adjunct Faculty Account Exception Request

Per the Adjunct Faculty Account Management Standard:

  1. In cases where the Adjunct Faculty’s sponsoring department requires that the adjunct maintains access to university digital resources during gaps in his/her employment at the university, the sponsoring department may make a request of the Information Security Director to extend access.
  2. A request for exception must be made through the Information Technology ticketing system.    As part of the request, the sponsoring department must include a detailed justification for the extended access as well as a requested end date of this access.  The requested end date may not exceed one year from the end of the semester the Adjunct Faculty last taught for the university. 
  3. Justification for extended access to university resources must demonstrate a clear need to support academic instruction.
Request Service


Service ID: 52496
Mon 9/26/22 2:33 PM
Mon 9/26/22 3:37 PM