Reporting Phishing Emails


How to Use the Phish Alert Button in Outlook

The Phish Alert Button (PAB) was recently installed in the Outlook Email client for all university employees. Learn how this tool works and how you can use it to help keep the university safe from malicious phishing emails.

When do I use it?

Click the PAB if you believe you have received a phishing email or any potentially dangerous email. The emails you report will be forwarded to the Information Technology Security Team for analysis.

The PAB should only be used to report emails you believe to have malicious intent. If you are receiving spam or marketing emails, you should not use the PAB to report these. You can delete these types of emails or add the sender or sender's email domain to a block list. For information on how to block a sender, click here to be directed to our KB article.


How do I use it?


Outlook (PC)

In Outlook on a PC, click the Phish Alert button when viewing an email you suspect of being phishing. This will forward the email directly to where it will be vetted.
phish alarm outlook pc



Outlook (Mac)

In Outlook on a Mac, click the Phish Alert Report button when viewing an email you suspect of being phishing. This will forward the email directly to where it will be vetted.
phish alarm outlook mac



Outlook (OWA)

If you are using Outlook on the web, click the three horizontal dots to the right of the email subject line of an email you suspect of being phishing and then click Phish Alert at the bottom. This will forward the email directly to where it will be vetted.
phish alarm outlook owa new



Outlook (mobile app)

In the Outlook mobile app, tap the three horizontal dots to the right of the subject line of an email you suspect of being phishing. Tap the Report Phish button. This will forward the email directly to where it will be vetted.
phish alarm outlook app


Why should I use it?

Reporting emails allow us to respond to potential threats to our environment more quickly. Because the potential phishing emails you report are sent for analysis, our Information Security Team will now be aware of which phishing attacks are able to reach employee inboxes. Once they're aware of possible vulnerabilities, they can better defend against them. You are an important part of the process of keeping our university safe from cybercriminals. Stop, Look, and Think!



Article ID: 76628
Tue 4/23/19 9:42 AM
Wed 6/23/21 5:20 PM