Software Installation


Overview (What is it?)

All university computers have a standard image that includes campus licensed software. If your department has purchased an additional piece of software, with the approval of the Office of Information Technology, it will need to be installed on the computer. You can request service and a technician will assist you with the installation. 

NOTE: If this software has not yet been vetted by our IT Security Director, you will be asked to answer the following questions:

1. Please provide the company and product name of the subscription/system/software being purchased. Additional helpful info includes relevant web links to info on the product as well as vendor security and/or incident response documents.

2. Please provide a short narrative on what the subscription/system/software does along with any additional information on how the purchasing university department or unit is planning to use the product.

3. Will the subscription/system/software be hosted in the cloud, OR require installation on a university server OR be installed on individual university computers OR on a computer purchased as part of this request? If on a university server or computer(s) located on the campus network, what server specs will be needed for the subscription/system/software as well as indicate any special configuration requirements to include the need for administrative access, remote access, or other computer configuration that may be outside of the standard university configuration.

4. What university data will be stored in the system/software and/or accessed by the system/software and/or transmitted to the system/software? Please indicate data element types (name, address, other PII data, etc.) as well as user type (student, faculty, employee, other, etc.).

Eligibility (Who can request it?)

Any employee or student who is responsible for a computer purchased by the university.

How to Request (Do you need this service?)

If you need to request this service, click the "Request Service" button to the right.


Request Service


Service ID: 13837
Wed 7/6/16 1:51 PM
Thu 7/27/23 1:38 PM