Create a Punch-out Catalog Requisition


  1. When you use the Punch-out catalog vendors, you will leave Govs e-Shop and go to their website with our contracted pricing. Select the Punch-out Catalog vendor you would like to order from.
    punch out requisition step 1
    • Example: Staples
    • Delivery ZIP code: 37040 and click continue
    • In the Search field, type in what item you are looking for.
    • Select quantity and click the Add button.
    • You will then choose Review & Checkout or Continue shopping.
    • Once you have all items in your cart, click Review & Checkout.
    • Click Submit Order. This will bring you back into Gov e-Shop
    • Click on Proceed to Checkout in the top right corner.
  2. On the right side, under the purple box that says Draft, will be the items that need to be addressed.
    punch out requisition step 2
  3. Do any lines on the PO have a quantity of 2 or more? This question is in the General box on the top left side. If you wish to do a quantity receipt (receive a number of items), you would answer yes. If you wish to do a cost receipt (receive an amount of money), you will answer no. Click Save.
    punch out requisition step 3
  4. If your building and room do not populate in the Shipping section, click on the pencil to edit. Fill in the building and room and save. (To save it where it automatically fills in, please see How to Save Address and FOAP Favorites.)
    punch out requisition step 4
  5. In the Accounting Codes box, you will need to complete the Fund, Org, Account, and Program codes. Click the pencil to edit.
    • Under Fund, click on the magnifying glass. You may search for a fund by the value (all or partial) or description. Type in what you are searching for and hit enter. Click the + sign next to it.
    • Repeat these steps for Org and Account.
    • Program code will be a drop-down.
    • If you are using a Foundation FOAP, you must change the Chart to F.
    • Once you have filled in all the boxes, select Save.
      punch out requisition step 5
  6. Once all the required fields are filled in, Submit Requisition at the top right will turn blue, and you are ready to submit the requisition. (To learn how to save FOAPs, please see How to Save Address and FOAP Favorites.)
    punch out requisition step 6
  7. You are now done. The requisition will route to the approvers of the FOAP, and a PO will then be issued.



Article ID: 155565
Tue 11/14/23 4:57 PM
Wed 10/30/24 2:00 PM