SEC-S006 Adjunct Faculty Account Management Standard

    1. Austin Peay State University (APSU) is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored on its systems.  This standard, operating under University Policy 4:042 Information Security and Data Classification, defines and establishes governance for the creation and maintenance of adjunct faculty account users requiring Enterprise User access to APSU employee email and systems.  Proper management of these accounts will ensure secure access to and protection of university data assets.
    1. Director, Information Technology Security
    1. Chief Information Officer
  4. SCOPE:
    1. This standard applies to the provisioning and deprovisioning of adjunct faculty accounts.  The requirements for provisioning and deprovisioning these accounts fall outside the process in place for regular employee accounts.  
    1. Adjunct Faculty are part time faculty hired on a temporary basis to carry out instructional, research, or public service functions.  
    2. Adjunct Staff are full time staff employees hired to teach a course.  This Standard does not apply to adjunct staff.
    3. Dual Enrollment are adjunct faculty hired to teach a course that provides the student with both high school and university credits.  This Standard applies to dual enrollment faculty. 
    4. Dual Services are state employees teaching a course for Austin Peay State University.  The employee is paid via the state agency emplying the individual on a full time basis. This Standard does not apply to dual services employees. 
    5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is the university’s system used to manage day-to-day business operations.   The university’s ERP system is Ellucian Banner.
    6. Single Sign-On Account is the username and password assigned to a university user that allows access to the user’s email, OneStop, D2L, and other university systems and services.
    7. Sponsoring Department is the academic department for the course(s) that the Adjunct faculty is teaching. 
    1. Adjunct Faculty Account Provisioning and Deprovisioning
      1. Human Resources receives a properly signed Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor form submitted by the requesting department for the adjunct faculty they wish to hire for the upcoming semester.   
      2. Human Resources processes the form and enters the adjunct faculty information in the university’s ERP system. 
      3. If the request for an adjunct is not an Adjunct Staff or Dual Services employee, Human Resources sets the “last work date” in the ERP system as follows below.   By setting the “last work date” in the ERP system, access to the adjunct faculty’s  Single Sign-On account is disabled the day after the entered date.  
        1. For an Adjunct Faculty teaching in a fall semester, the “last work date”  is set to the following year, March 31st.
        2. For an Adjunct Faculty teaching in a spring semester, the “last work date” is set to the current year, October31st.
      4. The “last work date” for an Adjunct Faculty is set so that the next academic semester is at a minimum one week past the B and II semesters for campus and Fort Campbell terms.  This ensures that there is sufficient time to extend the “last work date” into the subsequent academic semester for returning Adjunct Faculty and to provide adequate time for Adjunct Faculty not returning to complete all tasks related to their courses.  
    2. Exceptions to the Standard
      1. In cases where the Adjunct Faculty’s sponsoring department requires that the adjunct maintains access to university digital resources during gaps in his/her employment at the university, the sponsoring department may make a request of the Information Security Director to extend access.
      2. A request for exception must be made through the Information Technology ticketing system,, by completing the Adjunct Faculty Account Exception Request.    As part of the request, the sponsoring department must include a detailed justification for the extended access as well as a requested end date of this access.  The requested end date may not exceed one year from the end of the semester the Adjunct Faculty last taught for the university. 
      3. Justification for extended access to university resources must demonstrate a clear need to support academic instruction.
      4. If the exception is approved, the IT Security Director will forward the ticket to Human Resources to adjust the “last work date” in the ERP system for the specified Adjunct Faculty.
    1. 4:042 Information Security and Data Classification Policy
    2. 4:029: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
    3. 2:033: Part-Time Instructors








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