To use room mailboxes, open Outlook from your computer or sign in to Outlook on the web. Schedule a new meeting and add the room to the meeting like you would when inviting other employees or customers. You've now reserved it.
1 Open Outlook on your computer.
2. On the Home tab, choose New Items > Meeting.

Or, from your Calendar, just select New Meeting.
3. In the To field, type the name of the conference room you want to reserve ( i.e Browning Conference Room), in addition to any attendees you'd like to invite.
Or, select To, then double-click the conference room from the list. Then select OK.

4. In the Subject line, type the purpose of the reservation or meeting.
5. Change the Location value or leave as is.
6. Change the Start Time and End Time, Or, select All day event. To make the meeting or reservation repeat, select Recurrence at the top.

7. Type a message describing the purpose and attach any files needed.
8. To make sure the room and people you've invited are available, select Scheduling Assistant at the top. Then select an available time in the calendar.

In the scheduling calendar, blue means the room is reserved, or busy. Select the white, or free, area on the calendar.
9. When finished, select Send.
How can you tell when the room is available?
Open Outlook and create a new meeting. Add the room to the meeting as if it were a person and select Scheduling Assistant to see a live calendar view of the room's availability. If the hour slot is clear, it's available; if it's blue, it's reserved.