Residential Network Guidelines

Students are provided with free network/internet access in the dorm rooms and apartments across campus. Here are a few things that may help you resolve any problems you are having with the network and a few things you should keep in mind while surfing the net.

General Information

  • The network port is always going to be the red or orange port. If you live in Meacham hall, the internet ports are both on one side of the bedroom, and the telephone ports are on the other.
  • You must use a network cable to connect your computer to the port. You may borrow one from the Housing Department Office in Miller Hall, or you may buy your own.
  • When the network cable is properly connected to the computer and the network port, your computer should have lights appear near the network connection on the back of your computer.

Anti-Virus Protection

All students must provide their own Anti-Virus software.
Some suggestions:

We recommend that in addition to having Anti-Virus software that you also install spyware removal tools, such as: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Spybot Search Destroy, Ad-Aware, and Super Anti-Spyware. These utilities are free.

Note: However, anything free is only worth as much as you’ve paid for it.

Illegal Downloading / Piracy

File Sharing Information

The internet makes the world available at our fingertips. However like so many things in life, just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. A prime example of this is internet file sharing. 

Videos, TV shows, movies, and music are all available for download on the internet. But most of these downloads are copyrighted. This means that in order to use this material you must get the written permission from the copyright holder or you must pay for the privilege of using this material.

Failure to obtain permission or pay for material downloaded is a violation of several federal laws, primarily the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Violation of the DMCA means organizations that police the entertainment industry have the right to levy fines or sue those found in violation of the law. In some instances, this process can end in imprisonment of the violator.

What this means in a nutshell, is that in almost all cases it is illegal to download or share music on the internet without paying for it. Most web sites that offer copyrighted material on the internet for free are breaking the law and anyone taking advantage of the offered material is also breaking the law.

APSU will not be held responsible for any copyright infringing actions of our network users as long as we follow the ISP instructions detailed in the DMCA. APSU will not tolerate the illegal use of the campus network/internet connection and anyone caught downloading or sharing copyrighted material will have their internet connection terminated. 

There have been several cases of DMCA violation on the APSU campus involving students in the dorms. Please understand that using an anonymous name on a file sharing web site will not protect you from being caught. Any student caught violating copyright law by downloading and sharing files will lose their internet connection and will be turned over to Student Affairs for violating the APSU Code of Student Conduct as outlined under the heading of Discipline.

It is against University policy to attach network extension devices or network services to the campus network. These devices include attaching wireless access points without permission and management from the Office of Information Technology. For reference,

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Article ID: 21658
Mon 12/12/16 3:55 PM
Wed 6/21/17 8:21 AM

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