JustificationThis section should contain the reason for the project and a description of the benefits to your office and the university.
Multi-semester academic setup within Banner is non-standard among Banner schools and is not fully supported by Ellucian or TBR.
APSU must currently modify many TBR delivered processes such as the enrollment reporting to THEC to accommodate this practice
Less confusion for students regarding terms selection and registration
Simpler training for faculty
The current multi-term Banner configuration would not be a supported model in any migration to a cloud-based ERP solution in the future
New financial aid year setup will not have to be internally modified because of multiple terms
Students will no longer have to confirm multiple codes for one semester
Potential to use only one Pell Recalculation Date, simplifying the process overall
Ft. Campbell terms would no longer require manual End of Term processing
TBR scripts will no longer need to be modified by APSU to function at our school
Lessen reporting requirements for National Student Clearinghouse
Schedule Input could be rolled, rather than manually input