Changing Your APSU Password

  1. Log into for employees and for students.
    password reset OWA step 1

  2. Click the icon in the upper right-hand corner and click View account.
    password reset OWA step 2
  3. Click Change Password on the right.
    password reset OWA step 3
  4. Input your old password. Create a new password and then type it again to confirm. Click submit.
    password reset OWA step 4
  5. If you see the following error message, your old password was entered incorrectly. Go back to step 4, making sure to input the old password correctly.
    password reset OWA step 5
  6. If you see the following error message, your password is not complex enough. It needs to be at least 8 characters long, and must contain a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It cannot match one of your previous 24 passwords.
    password reset OWA step 6
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Article ID: 66593
Fri 11/2/18 1:14 PM
Tue 8/9/22 3:21 PM