Special Named Account Request

Overview (What is it?)

Named accounts are granted based on justification and appropriate need. They are not guaranteed by request. There are two types of named accounts available: auditor or contractor and graduate assistant or student worker.

In accordance with Information Technology Security procedures, auditor/contractor accounts will be automatically set to expire no later than 90 days from activation. The account can be re-activated for up to an additional 90 days by clicking Request Service to the right.

In accordance with Information Technology Security procedures, student worker/graduate assistant employee accounts will be automatically set to expire at the end of each semester. The account can be re-activated for each subsequent semester by clicking Request Service to the right.

Eligibility (Who can request it?)

Any employee.

How to Request (Do you need this service?)

If you need to request this service, click the "Request Service" button to the right.

Request Service


Service ID: 50601
Thu 7/22/21 2:17 PM
Tue 8/24/21 10:38 AM