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Services or Offerings?
When Brian Receives an email for these requests, he will forward to GOVSTECH and this is service that will be used.

This request pertains to university affiliate account requests only. These users will require manual account creation after completing the necessary approval steps for security and auditing purposes.

Users whose job responsibilities require access to the Banner ERP system may request access through this service. By requesting this access, you agree to abide by the IT Acceptable Use of IT Resources policy:

To request access to use the APSU Amazon Business account.

Want one of your online courses to be reviewed using the APSU Online Quality Fundamentals (AOQF)?

Want to review a colleague’s course using the APSU Online Quality Fundamentals and become eligible for professional development funds?

Do you live in one of the Residence Halls on campus? Do you have a gaming system, streaming device, SMART TV, or wireless printer that you would like connected to the Internet? Click on the service request button and complete the form.

Do you need to consult with a technical representative regarding audio visual systems, flat panel TVs or projectors, speakers and microphones, or other specialty audio-visual projects?

Request support for general Banner errors or issues encountered while accessing or using the system.

Requests and issues involving calendars within Office 365 or the Outlook client, such as access or permissions.

To update your Corporate Card account after a legal name change.

To change a Cardholder's account approver.

To discontinue the use of a credit card or if an employee is changing departments.

To change information on an existing vendor in Govs e-Shop.