Surplus Laptop Request

What is a surplus pool?

A surplus pool is a pool of surplus computers. The surplus pool is comprised of employee and lab computers that have been refreshed. Surplus computers will be reissued into our environment without posing a potential security threat, without a warranty, and with limited service support options.


Why is it necessary?

Due to budget cuts and decreased revenue, several departments cannot provide part-time employees, adjuncts, and graduate assistants with laptops for their work-related duties. Supervisors can request a surplus computer through ticket request via the GOVSTECH Help Desk starting July 01, 2023.


How is this managed?

As part of the inventory process, all surplus assets will be added to the inventory, labeled as “surplus,” and assigned to the employee upon request. The employee will be allowed to keep the computer until they separate from the university. The computer will NOT be on a replacement cycle. The department will be responsible for damage, hardware costs, and repairs. In the event of property loss, the individual may be charged the cost of the device at a depreciated rate. The department supervisor will be responsible for notifying OIT when a surplus computer is reassigned to another part-time employee within the same department. Supervisors are prohibited from issuing surplus computers to employees in other departments.  OIT reserves the right to ask for an active inventory and to recall any laptops that are unassigned.


Prioritization: Surplus computers are limited. The request will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis for eligible employees that require a computer for essential job functions.


Who is assigned a computer from the surplus pool?  What kind of computer do they get?

Laptops from the surplus pool will be issued to local part-time employees, graduate assistants, adjuncts, and temporary employees. Surplus laptops will NOT be shipped to out-of-state employees. These are Dell and Apple laptops, offered on a first-come, first-served basis by request, with limited quantities available.


What restrictions apply?

For security reasons, these laptops will have limited capabilities. Users cannot access virtual private networks (VPN) or the APSU domain. Users can access the university wireless network, email, and basic software and applications.

Request Service


Service ID: 53541
Mon 6/5/23 8:33 AM
Tue 7/11/23 4:39 PM