Knowledge Base

Categories (15)

Getting Started

New to APSU? Start here for information on your password, and accessing your email, OneStop, and Web Self-Service.


Tips on how to use technology resources for retired employees that are still an active part of our university community.

Account Management

Self-help articles related to password management, email access, and OneStop.

Classroom Technology (AV)

Self-help articles related to audio visual equipment, including projectors, document cameras, and SmartBoards.

Computers and Mobile Devices

For help with computers, cell phones, tablets, and other mobile device types.

Distance Education: D2L

For self-help regarding online teaching, learning, and technology

Enterprise Applications

Banner, UC4, Workflow.

Information Security

Self-help regarding antivirus, spam email, and phishing attempts.

Network Services

Support for network-related services to on-campus resources and security cameras.


Self-help options for university-supported printers, copiers, and scanners.

Procurement Services

Self-help regarding Procurement Services offerings such as Govs eShop and university corporate cards.


For help with software including installation and failures.


Help regarding telephones, voicemail, and communication services on campus.

Articles (6)