Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Need a faculty/staff license for Snagit or Camtasia?

How to install Office 365 on your personal devices if you are a staff member or faculty member.

Do you have changes that need to be submitted to the Faculty/Staff Directory? Do you need to make an edit to an existing Faculty Profile? Please do so here.

Do you need to add or remove users from your Shared Mailbox?

Changes or Modifications to Banner or other Existing Applications/Systems

Do you need to add or remove users from your Network Share? Do you need to allow a new user access?

Request assistance with errors or issues encountered when using or accessing enterprise applications other than Banner such as UC4, Argos, Workflow etc.

Request a process analysis from the Solutions and Integration team.

Request for custom application development.

Do you need help resetting your campus Enterprise Account password?

Submit a request for VPN Access.

Do you need a new network drop installed or an old drop reactivated in a dorm, office, or classroom?

Are you having problems with your cable TV reception or setting up Cable on a new TV? Any inquiry related to Cable TV issues or installation can be requested here.